We want to help you have a deep leadership development and innovation impact…something that helps you to have a collaborative “culture of innovation” in your organization. To do this we help you design a program, initiative, or even center that has many complimentary high-impact elements to it. Here is an example of how you can get started with an innovation program at your organization. Hit the ground running with this handy guide, which can be customized to fit your group. Have questions or ready to get started? Email [email protected].
Step 1:
Announce the program. Give it a name that sticks. Target a specific group or open it up to anyone. You can limit the size, but this could scale to accommodate many people. We will create a website for your group that will have all of the program materials including video modules, guides, worksheets, and an eBook for everyone.
This video series and on-site experience can be facilitated by Darin Eich, a leadership and innovation expert. See more about Darin at his website.
Step 2:
Hold a live kick-off event to get participants connected to each other, reflecting on their individual, team, or organization wide challenge. This event will motivate people to collaborate, create, and communicate. It is a symbolic and catalyzing start to the innovation program.
Step 3:
Sustain the thinking and collaboration from the kick-off session by allowing participants to go deeper. Engage them to complete the step-by-step activities together. This could be in small groups or with a partner. Your participants will be guided by the video tutorial where they can see examples – a combination of blending technology and peer-to-peer approaches. You can build activities into regular meetings to spice them up.
Step 4:
Hold a symbolic closing event where participants can showcase what they are working on or are developing. This could be a 1-on-1 meeting with an adviser, or a group event that helps people take action and move forward on the new innovations they are creating.
Additional Information:
- How much time will I need to complete the innovation program?
- Each video – including guided activities – is approximately 15 minutes long and may take another 15 minutes to do activities.
- There are 4-10 videos in our various program, so you could watch them over time or in one sitting.
- Work at your own speed! The video program is self-paced and asynchronous – no need to meet at a set time and location.
- The in-person workshops can range in length from 1.5 hours to a full day depending on what you’d like to do.
- What about the activities mentioned in the videos?
- These activities are ones that you can either pause the video to complete, or take a few minutes after each video to think about.
- Jot down some notes. Bounce your ideas off others if you are in a group or with a partner.
- Estimated time for reflection and activities on your own = video time x 2.
- Optional:
- Your group may wish to offer optional follow-up coaching/advising with staff, partners, and stakeholders who have experience in the areas you wish to further explore.
- This can be done in person or online.
- Recommended time for coaching/advising = 15 to 30 minutes.